” I can absolutely not believe the difference I see in my daughter after life coaching with Ashley only a few short months. (Daughter’s name)’s self doubt has been replaced by a beautiful confidence in herself, her worth, and her ability to be and do exactly what she desires. I am truly amazed with the progress I am seeing and am a true believer in Ashley and this incredible, life changing work she does. “
~ Mother of 17 year old female client (HS junior)
” Ashley is honestly one of the most amazing people I know. She has such a welcoming, understanding heart. When I was going through a hard time with things, she didn’t give me the disappointed or upset look like most people did, she just told me she loved me and she reminded me how amazing I am. she’s super fun to be around, and of my favorite things about her is her energy! She has a positive, radiant light that she just carries around and it makes me love being around her. She’s honestly just so inspiring and she really connects well with us teenagers. “
~ 16 female participant in community youth program!
” I cannot believe the changes I have made! You came into my life when I truly thought it was falling apart and I couldn’t hold all the pieces, but you showed me how to deal with what was my part, and let the rest go. My extended family, my immediate family, my relationship with food and my body, and my career are all on a track I never thought possible because of you helping me clear my mind of all my limiting beliefs. My husband tells me daily that he doesn’t even quite recognize the woman I am anymore- and he means it in the best way! I don’t know words strong enough to write a testimonial for you about how I feel, but this was my best shot! “
~ 52 year old female
” Ashley is amazing! It sounds cliché but I feel like a completely different person, like my whole life has changed!
She has helped me overcome lifelong thinking habits in a safe way, and she helps me feel confident in my new thoughts and the results I want in my life.
What she has shown me will continue to propel me for the rest of my life! “
~ D.M. Male, 22
” Ashley has found her calling! 3 sessions in and I’m already finding clarity in areas where I just felt stuck. She has the amazing ability to cut through the minutia in my brain, and reveal the big picture. I look forward to my sessions with her. “
~ R.D. Female 52
” Being in class with Ashley is such a fun, uplifting time! Everyday without fail I feel loved and noticed. If there ever is a time that I don’t feel good or am not the happiest, I know that she knows and does what she can so that I feel welcome and loved. She always knows the right things to say or do when we are with her. She always knows what we need to hear even if we may not know it ourselves. She is so easy to talk to and when you do talk with her, you can always tell she cares and listens to what you are saying. There is never a time I am with Ashley that I don’t feel loved, seen, heard, cared for, and most of all, important. She knows what girls my age need and is a good example of it. “
~ 14 year old female participant in community youth program
” I have been working with Ashley for a few months now and I am feeling completely empowered! I started out in confusion about how to move forward in many areas of my life, but Ashley‘s specific and thought-provoking questions helped me see that I really do know my own priorities and that I can be completely intentional and working towards my goals. Instead of floundering in overwhelm and fear of making decisions, I trust myself to know what is best for me and to confidently make those choices. Ashley was pretty much a stranger to me before we were brought together for coaching by a mutual friend, but from the start Ashley’s warmth and patience allowed me to open up, knowing I was in a safe environment with no judgment. I used to wake up and spend time scrolling social media, but now I wake up excited to live intentionally! Ashley is guiding me on a path of compassionately letting go of beliefs that no longer serve me, and stepping into the best version of myself! “
~ M. B. Female (56)
” I’ve presented situations to Ashley that I worried were too big, as well as problems that I felt were too small to discuss! I’ve come to her with situations that have left me feeling depressed, hopeless, stressed, and anxious. The result is always the same: Ashley guides me to truly understanding how to change my thinking for more positive results. Her coaching isn’t just a cheesy “just believe it to achieve it” speech, though! Ashley is down-to-earth, understanding, and attentive. In just minutes, she steers me through sometimes-hard-to-swallow truths about my thinking, right to a place where I feel optimistic, encouraged, and ready to move forward. Ashley has opened my eyes to the power I do have over situations that once left me feeling powerless. I am always pleasantly surprised by the outcome of our conversations; She uses a seemingly infallible coaching formula that really is effective and life-changing. “
~ AP, female 30
” Ashley is an amazing coach! Every time she coaches me, she uncovers something I hadn’t thought of or helps me understand an angle I hadn’t considered. She creates a safe environment in which any topic can be discussed. I leave each of our sessions with clarity, insight and a new perspective. “
~ A.P. 43 female
” I feel like every time we talk I have a reawakening! It makes me wonder how all the situations that we’ve coached about would have turned out without coaching?! At the end of our calls I feel like the answer has been in me the whole time, and you helped me find it! “
~ 22 year old Male entrepreneur
” I’ve been working with Ashley for a few months now and I truly feel like it has been an unbelievable experience. At the risk of sounding cliche, it has been pretty life changing. Ashley is an incredibly bright and well spoken coach and she doesn’t miss a beat in our sessions. She has an uncanny ability to dig deep and extract from from our conversations what is truly holding me back or preventing me from my goals or desires. Most importantly, through her incredible insight and quick thinking, I finish the session with a new thought process that she helps me realize all on my own. I leave each conversation with optimism and a path forward and it’s extremely empowering! I actually feel peaceful after we talk. Lastly, I have to add in that we laugh a lot and because of this, I really look forward to our time together! “
~ A.E. Female 41
” Ashley has been an amazing life coach for me! In just a short amount of time, I have completely changed my mindset and outlook on every day life. Situations, problems, and obstacles that I felt were impossible or out of reach, have become resolved, possible, and achievable! Although we only meet once a week, the improvement I see from myself from just those sessions is leaps and bounds from when we had our first meeting. I will continue to meet with Ashley for the foreseeable future, and if you feel that you have any questions, problems or need to work on self improvement, I know that Ashley can help you progress as well! She will make a positive impact on your life as your life coach! “
~ L.N. Male 22
” Ashley is one of the best adults I’ve ever interacted with! She was one of my leaders as a youth and she was always so supportive! It was easy to talk to her and she always made me feel welcomed and loved! She is always willing to listen and will support you through anything! “
~ 17 female participant in community youth program